It’s alive! It’s alive!

Something has been taking up ALL of my time lately, not to mention my thoughts. You know how when you get to the end of a project, you are SO sick to death of it that you just want it gone? Even if that means compromising on things that seemed important at the beginning just to get it out of your face. That’s how things are with me at the moment.

Until about 10 minutes ago.

For the last 6 months I’ve been working on a big site. It’s my day job. It’s been one of the most frustrating projects I’ve been part of, because I’ve been working with the marketing department. They reckon they’re the ‘ideas people’. Great. They come up with ridiculous ideas and expect me to make them work. Then when I do, they realise it wasn’t actually what they wanted in the first place. It’s made me realise that while I have thought in the past that I would like some backup when it comes to our website, perhaps the dream is not always the reality.

So about 10 minutes ago, went live in it’s current incarnation. It’s not the most pefect thing I’ve ever done but it’ll do for now. I just want it gone.

And that’s about all I have to say about that.

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