365 days of The Hawk

Today is my blog’s birthday. I can’t believe that I’ve been doing this religiously (any of you who have read it will know that I mean that figuratively), 5 days a week for a year now. I even managed to keep it up during my honeymoon, much to Shaun’s dismay. He’s never actually read it… that’s perhaps a good thing. He might realise what kind of a lifetime he’s signed up for.

There are approximately 60 of you that read my ramblings on a daily basis. I’m not sure how many of those are return visitors, although I know 20 of you have feeds. On my best day I got 86. I am aware that these numbers may sound pathetic to some, but when you consider that I write about nothing but my own personal crap, it seems astounding to me. I have only told 3 ‘real life friends’ about this blog, so the rest of you are cyber friends. A couple of you have become close online friends, and for that I am grateful.

I have thought about why it is that I blog. I find it strangely cathartic. It is a way of offloading. Bitching and moaning without cornering someone into listening. I guess there is also a part of me that loves the captive audience. I can say what I want and you guys are there. I appreciate it. I doubt I would keep writing if you stopped reading.

I’m curious though… why do you keep coming back? I guess part of it is probably to do with the fact that humans are naturally voyeuristic and we are always relieved to hear that other people feel the same way as we do about some things. We’re not alone. Perhaps some of you are interested because of where I live. I know I have a fascination with how people in other countries live their lives on a day to day basis.

Anyway, whatever the reason, thanks. I like knowing that you’re there.

6 thoughts on “365 days of The Hawk

  1. Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear Blog of the Hawk
    Happy birthday to you

    I remember we both started blogs at the same time (in fact didn’t you give me a wordpress invite)? Mine lasted about two days but you have managed to find something interesting to say for a year so I suppose that’s why we coming back. I’m really glad you were able to keep it up during your honeymoon – and that’s all I’m going to say 😉

    Happy Birhtday


  2. Good question. You could be surprised to find someone commenting on a post from last year, but since I’m on annual leave from work, and have decided to waste as much time as possible on the small things that make me happy in some way I thought I’d read your blog from start to finish.
    So, why do I come back? It’s engaging. I blog myself, but sometimes when I read myself, I sound like a petty moaner. I’ve learnt a few things about keeping a personal edge in ‘writing’ from this, and I think that makes all the difference, whatever you choose to blog about.
    Good luck to you Hawk, in whatever you do, in some way, this has inspired me in certain ways, just from hearing the similar experiences of another human being. Can’t be all bad this internet thing. Now, this missing B key of mine is just about getting annoying…

  3. Woah! Thanks Andy. You really must be in time wasting mode! I’ve been writing this for over a year and a half now! That’s hundreds of entries.

    Thanks for your nice sentiment anyway. I am truly flattered.

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